Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Budget 2010

Believe it or not - it is nearly budget time. The Budget Transmittal Letter from the City Manager to Department Heads will be going out late June or the first week of July. The City Manager's Budget is submitted to the City Council on October 31.

At this point, I would love to hear your comments, questions or suggestions as we begin to make preparations for this next budget cycle. Where should our priorities be in 2010? What is important to you? Which programs are most important?

We will have some tough decisions to make on 2009 and 2010. We are expecting a revenue shortfall of around $500,000 depending on the State Budget. This will carry over to 201o as well.

Please, it is important that we hear from our residents early in the process and especially during the December budget hearing.

Call or email with questions. Thanks!

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