Annually, the City Manager presents a set of goals to the City Council for adoption. I am in the midst of preparing these goals for presentation to the City Council and would appreciate feedback from our community as to what you would like to see the City focus on in 2008. Items may include such topics as affordable housing, transportation, communication, etc. Please submit you ideas to or via this blog. The more specific the goal, the easier to define successful measures for performance. The following we the goals identified for 2007:
1. DPW: Secure site for new DPW facility and begin construction (Earliest – Fall 2007).
2. Institute a review and bring forward a plan to institute Public Access Television for the City of Lebanon.
3. Review current franchise agreements and formulate a plan to better utilize this mechanism with appropriate utilities. This should be coordinated with LGC efforts.
4. Formulate recommendation regarding non-bargaining unit employee compensation and benefits (specifically, health insurance contribution).
5. Convene a representative group of employees, including all four unions, in an effort to survey the state of existing municipal health insurance programs in New Hampshire with a view toward identifying and vetting viable alternatives that may both hold promise to save the city and employees money in the long-term without sacrificing program coverage and quality. (2007-2008)
6. Zoning: Assist City Council in bringing the Zoning Ordinance Forward for Final Council Consideration in the fall of 2007.
7. Transportation Master Plan: Begin to formulate a Transportation Master Plan. (2007-2008)
8. Finalize and begin to implement the Landfill Business Plan.
9. Update the City’s webpage and review and institute similar e-resources where appropriate, i.e. weblog.